Yuri Olson

16 April 2010

Well the colour correction for this image was a but haywire, so apologies if the image is a bit dark/pink on your monitor.

Still - having completed the starter sets for Anima Tactics I decided to jump straight into the minis I'd picked up because I thought they looked good, starting with Yuri.

The white/gold armour was a bit fiddly, but I think it came out OK. I decided to stick with the non-metallic paint so that it was consistent with how Kronen Roxxon was painted - they share the same faction after all.

Human Female Rogue

14 April 2010

Another mini pulled from the past years - this time the human female rogue once again from the Wizards of the Coast original Star Wars line.

This is still one of my favourite miniatures in my collection. The yellow even managed to come together well.


12 April 2010

The other half of the Anima dark starter, Bael was relatively painless to complete after Cheshire. Completion should allow for some test games with which to entertain oneself.

Trying a new photo taking setup, which has had some variable results. Will probably keep adjusting over the coming month. Hopefully I'll stumble across a method that results in images requiring less colour correction, which quite often is resulting in some quite darkened images compared to what I see outside the camera's lens.

Dark Cheshire

09 April 2010

After handling the the miniatures packaged in the dark starter for Anima Tactics I really wasn't looking forward to painting them. Lots of fiddly details all over the place would make for a nightmarish job, and I was pretty confident that I wouldn't be able to do them justice.

After finishing the first of them - the so-called Dark Cheshire, I think I have to say that my fears were well founded.

All in all, I'm just happy that I didn't make a complete botch of it...

Still the feathers could be vastly better, and I should have used a different shade for the sword than the same grey used on the clothing.

Hopefully the second mini from the starter will be less of a painting nightmare. But I doubt it.

As an aside - amusingly they managed to mis-spell Cheshire in the Anima Tactics rule book. Oops.

Male Cerean Jedi

07 April 2010

Back before the days of pre-painted collectable miniature games, Wizards of the Coast produced a small line up of 30mm Star Wars miniatures for use within their d20 roleplaying game.

My collection is far from complete, but I do have a small number of these figures - and even managed to get them all painted to a reasonable standard.

You can see the simpler basing work I used to do here as well. Just paint green and add flock. I've been debating re-basing these recently. But probably not a high priority.

Ansel, Paladin

05 April 2010

I took a break from the Anima Tactics painting to finish up another Reaper miniature. I'm exceptionally happy with the final result. Especially that halfway through I almost reversed course and started over thinking that the blue look wasn't going to end well.

Oh, how wrong I was. At least in my opinion. Others might disagree...

Kronen Roxxon

03 April 2010

The second of the two miniatures from the Anima Tactics light starter box was next on the list.

This was quite a chunky piece of metal to paint, and attaching the sword securely to the rest of the model was somewhat painful. But I suppose it only had to be done once.

Again, for a miniature which I didn't particularly like before I started, I think the final result came out quite well. The armour and cloak blend together seamlessly, and I even managed to get some flesh coloured paint into the lower half of the face without messing anything else up.

The sword certainly shows room for improvement though. The stupidly large size seemed to pose an obstacle. Ah well - live and learn!

Sister Evangeline

01 April 2010

Well it didn't take me long in my search for exciting miniatures to paint to come across the Anima Tactics line published by...well I'm a bit confused who it's published by. It seems to be a collaboration across the original Spanish company, FFG and Cipher Studios. Nyeh - wherever it comes from, it seems to be a line filled with some completely awesome figures.

Figuring that it would at least be nice to have the option of playing the game I figured I'd pick up both the starter packs, even though I didn't think the miniatures on offer there were the best of the pack. And for the same reason, even though I've picked up a few of the better sculpts (in my opinion of course) I figured I should paint those first.

The first half of the light side starter pack is shown. In fact, although I didn't think much of the sculpt, I think I actually quite like the final result. Some of the detailing on the white could be better - but that would require a finer brush than I currently own!

The green bird is apparently glowing according to the box art, but figured I'd avoid attempting to paint this effect for fear of making here look a touch ill. Instead I applied a final layer of gloss varnish to the bird so that it at least looks shiny.