Sister Evangeline

01 April 2010

Well it didn't take me long in my search for exciting miniatures to paint to come across the Anima Tactics line published by...well I'm a bit confused who it's published by. It seems to be a collaboration across the original Spanish company, FFG and Cipher Studios. Nyeh - wherever it comes from, it seems to be a line filled with some completely awesome figures.

Figuring that it would at least be nice to have the option of playing the game I figured I'd pick up both the starter packs, even though I didn't think the miniatures on offer there were the best of the pack. And for the same reason, even though I've picked up a few of the better sculpts (in my opinion of course) I figured I should paint those first.

The first half of the light side starter pack is shown. In fact, although I didn't think much of the sculpt, I think I actually quite like the final result. Some of the detailing on the white could be better - but that would require a finer brush than I currently own!

The green bird is apparently glowing according to the box art, but figured I'd avoid attempting to paint this effect for fear of making here look a touch ill. Instead I applied a final layer of gloss varnish to the bird so that it at least looks shiny.

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