Dark Cheshire

09 April 2010

After handling the the miniatures packaged in the dark starter for Anima Tactics I really wasn't looking forward to painting them. Lots of fiddly details all over the place would make for a nightmarish job, and I was pretty confident that I wouldn't be able to do them justice.

After finishing the first of them - the so-called Dark Cheshire, I think I have to say that my fears were well founded.

All in all, I'm just happy that I didn't make a complete botch of it...

Still the feathers could be vastly better, and I should have used a different shade for the sword than the same grey used on the clothing.

Hopefully the second mini from the starter will be less of a painting nightmare. But I doubt it.

As an aside - amusingly they managed to mis-spell Cheshire in the Anima Tactics rule book. Oops.

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